We just wrapped up our Fall Citizenship class at the Fitchburg Public Library. Thank you to the Fitchburg Public Library and St. Mark Community Education Program for helping us make this possible! This class and the summer class were supported by a grant to the Fitchburg Public Library from the American Dream Literacy Initiative, a grant offering of the American Library Association, funded by Dollar General Literacy Foundation.
You can find free help online with the citizenship application through CitizenshipWorks.
We are not doing a winter citizenship class, but St. Mark Community Education Program will have online classes this winter to help prepare for the interview. Registration will start in early January. The classes will start in February. You can sign up for their waitlist to find out when the classes are scheduled.
Congratulations to tutored student Amira M. who just passed her citizenship interview with the help of her tutor (who is also a New American!).